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Scholarship Information



Attention Potential Scholarship Recipient Subject: Letter of Introduction, and applicant solicitation The Varie Thomas Winters Moore Scholarship Fund was established in 2008 by her children in memory of their mother and her commitment to the education of deserving underprivileged youths. The scholarship fund is designed to provide scholarships to students in need of financial assistant to further their educations. All scholarships are based on financial need, merit, academic record, community service, leadership, and participation in school activities. The scholarship fund awarded two $1000.00 dollar scholarships in 2020. No scholarships were awarded in 2021 due to Covid-19. The scholarship fund leadership awarded four $1000.00 scholarships for academic year 2023, and two in 2024.


There are five steps in the scholarship award criteria.


 1. Current high school senior or recent high school graduate (within the past year) who plan to attend an accredited college, university, or technical school in the fall.

2. Scholarship award must be used within 12 months after award.


3. Award recipient must earn and maintained and overall 2.5 higher grade point average.

 4. Awards are presented at the annual scholarship Zoom Meeting.

5. Applicants “must” submit all required documentation as requested. Application forms and full instructions on how to complete and submit them are available at Website,

6. Please email the completed application packet to:


We solicit your help in identifying student applicants at your school that are graduating in May/June 2025, who you believe qualifies for one of our scholarships. Once applicants are identified have them go the scholarship website and complete an application package. All application packages must be submitted by April 14, 2025. Scholarship winners will be announced on April 30, 2025.

 Thank you for your time and consideration.

       Sincerely, Carolyn A. Winters



  1. The application “must” be typed or clearly printed.

  2. Each item of information on the application “must” be addressed.

  3. The following additional documents “must” be attached to the completed application package. 

  • Three (3) character reference letters.

  • Current or last official Transcript. 

  • Biographical statement (limit to one page) including the following listed in order of importance:  professional goals, community service, work experience, awards and recognition, professional organizations, hobbies, and other pertinent information. (All information will be kept confidential.)

  • 500 word essay on Still I Rise. (Please see attached Maya Angelou poem-Still I Rise).


Click on PDF listed  below to complete scholarship application form.......

Please forward completed applications to: 

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